Tag: war

  • Stand for justice to stand for peace

    Stand for justice to stand for peace

    Wars happen because wars make profit. What we see is the destruction of the lives of innocent people. What we don’t hear is the ringing of cash registers for the sale of weapons of mass destruction. Millions of lives are devastated so that the top 1% of 1% can get wealthier. Wars happen because we…

  • Monkey Business

    Monkey Business

    But hunger is the best motivator. The newcomers are hungry. The early movers have eaten. The newcomers know that if they don’t succeed, there will not be anything left for them. They are desperate. Their stakes are higher. That is a winning combination, in business. Even in monkey business. If you want to succeed, get…

  • Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Focus on contribution – not entitlement

    Add value first.  Entitlement will follow.  Entitlement goes with the territory.  Contribution defines the territory Because entitlement is directly proportional to contribution. Entitlement is the result of contribution. If you want more ‘entitlement’, contribute more. Only those who contribute greatly are entitled to great rewards. What do I mean? We live in a world of…

  • In search of peace – Really??

    https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/cb/67/cacb6796d4ddabb912c0198b3fcf0b55.jpg What is required for peace to prevail? Anything done with a clear intention and according to a system gives value added results. Take the case of calisthenics – weight lifting – to build strength. And compare it to the most common cause of a strained back and lower back injury – weight lifting. How…