Tag: South Africa

  • Fighting crime in South Africa

    Fighting crime in South Africa

    The situation is grave enough to warrant all the energy that we can put behind these efforts. I am sure those who are suffering from this, will agree and I pray that they have the energy and influence to create change. All change can only come from within.

  • Dilemma of the Revolutionary

    Dilemma of the Revolutionary

    Educate people on the steps forward and show them a realistic plan where they can see how to succeed and taste that success in a reasonable period of time. It is essential that people see results in their main pain areas and see them fast. Government must be seen to be doing things. Saying, ‘We…

  • State of the Nation – South Africa (Indian Muslims) in 2005

    State of the Nation – South Africa (Indian Muslims) in 2005

    At the request of the General Secretary of the Jamiat ul Ulama, South Africa, I am writing this note with the following objectives: 1 .     To present my assessment (SWOT Analysis) of the Muslims in Gauteng 2 .     To present some solutions and courses of action I would like to state that whatever I say…