Tag: solution

  • Entrepreneurship Development is the key to economic upliftment

    This picture which I took in Pune on my way to the airport after teaching a leadership course at SKF, is my all-time favorite. It is a picture of a man who decided to take his future into his own hands and become an entrepreneur. He gives the lie to all those who complain about…

  • Dealing with a political problem called ISIS

    This is truly one of the saddest pictures that I have ever seen. You can see how she is holding back her tears. What have we adults done to our children? I defend Islam. Not those who call themselves Muslim but go against Islam. ISIS is a political problem. Not a religious one.  So trying…

  • Definitions influence Solutions

    The first rule in problem solving is that the solution depends on the definition and therefore success in problem solving depends on the way the problem is defined. The same logic applies if you want to solve any problem in life. Define the problem one way and it appears insolvable. Define it another way and…