Tag: Rasoolullahﷺ

  • Interest is Haraam

    Interest is Haraam

    If we understand this one simple, basic fact then all decisions become very easy, and we can live a totally stress-free life. Shaytaan deceives us by distracting our attention from what is in our control – choice of means to receive our Rizq – to what is not our control – quantum of Rizq. He…

  • Of Mistakes and Crimes

    A mistake is one that is made by mistake (sic) and a crime is one that is done deliberately. A mistake must obviously be forgiven. A crime is culpable but can also be forgiven. This is the peculiarity of Islamic Law that even a crime as serious as murder can simply be forgiven by the…

  • May our hearts come together

    It must be remembered that none of the Sahaba who were alive at that time approved of or in any way supported the actions of Yazid. And that all the Ulama and people of knowledge of the Ahl-us-Sunnah (Sunni) have condemned these evil deeds. Unfortunately, despite this, much misinformation is spread, and much misunderstanding exists…