Tag: radicalize

  • Stopping radicalization through the barrel of a gun

    One of my friends sent me this article and asked for my opinion. http://www.firstpost.com/india/we-are-losing-kashmir-to-islam-ten-ways-to-counter-radicalisation-in-india-2997302.html My answer: Actually what this guy proposes is quite tame. See what some others did: Albania: the only European country with a majority Muslim population was ruled by Enver Halil Hoxha (born Muslim) communist leader of Albania from 1944 until his…

  • Interpreting Reality

    Where and how do I begin? To speak from the heart, yet not reveal the grief, confusion and anxiety that it is filled with. Grief at the rapidly deteriorating situation all over the world where human life seems to have lost all value. Confusion as to why this sudden (or is it sudden at all?)…